I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time and I've even thought of writing a book a few times, but lately a friend of mine (my 8th grade English teacher) said that I needed to write my story so here goes nothing!
My plan for this blog is to write about my life. Some days it may be something that is going on right now that I think is funny or I'm upset about, or just something important that I want to remember later on. And some days I'm going to dive into my past and relive moments or sections of time (this will probably be over a series of days). I'm hoping that this will be therapeutic for me and remind me that even though some of these times were very dark, that I was able to come out the other side and even look back on them and see the good (and bad) and even laugh at some of it. If anyone actually reads this blog, then I hope that maybe you can get something out of it - either to roll your eyes and say "yah right" or maybe you can relate to something I have said, or even better you can relate to what I've said and been through, and you can learn from me that you can make it through. And most of all I hope you can get a laugh out of some of it too!
A word of caution to anyone who may decide to read this blog - while I try to be funny, a lot of what I write will have a dark side, and I will come off angry and bitter. I will cuss (probably a lot). I will not always be politically correct. I will be all over the page about how I feel about things because as we go through life we are always evolving. I won't really apologize for who I am because it is what it is. All I can do is tell you that I made and continue to make mistakes, but I also try to learn from the best way that I can. Sometimes it is three steps forward and one step back, sometimes it is one step forward and two steps back, and sometimes it is Go to Jail, go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. I apparently rock at Monopoly though because I have gotten more than my share of Get out of Jail Free cards. No I have never actually been to jail, but I have done things that I should have, so there ya go.
You'll also get a lot of honesty here. Brutal honesty about how I feel now or felt then (or at least how I remember it felt). But, I'll try to remember to change the names to protect the innocent (and guilty).
I should also warn you that I can get going on a rant or memory and my fingers just type away very fast. I'll try and spell/grammar check, but sometimes there will be mistakes. I'm not perfect and I will never say that I am (shhhh don't tell my hubby that though ok?), so please don't judge too harshly.
So nothing too exciting in this first post, but I just wanted to lay the groundwork of what will be on here.
Can't wait for the voyage to begin!
ReplyDeleteThank you. This is because of you.